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Aanwezig op het Nasjonalt Sykepleier Symposium in Noorwegen

The past week Flynther attended together with Mona Fjeld from Fjeld Medical the “Nasjonalt Sykepleier Symposium” in Bergen Norway. This is a conference for Norwegian diabetes nurses and doctors which is held every two years. Flynther supplies the Owen Mumford products such as Unistik and Unfine to Fjeld Medical. These products are registered on the Norwegian Helfo list and are therefore reimbursed in Norway. The conference enabled us to connect with the health care workers and to also introduce new products such as the Ateria Safe Control 4mm. We look back at a fruitful conference on which we managed to make many new contacts and were also lucky to enjoy some sunshine in beautiful Bergen ! We would like to thank the organization especially Beryll Kristensen for all their good care.
